Tennessee Election 2022

Tennessee Election 2022

Absentee Ballot Information Tennessee Election 2022

We want to remind you that it is time to request your Davidson County Tennessee Election Absentee Ballot for the election on August 4th, 2022. Your Absentee Ballot can be requested now! We recommend that the ballot be sent in the mail no later than July 28th.

Are you outside of Davidson County? Here’s a link to the general Absentee Ballot Request for Tennessee.

Eligibility requirements for Absentee Voting:

If you meet the following requirements you are likely eligible for an Absentee Ballot:

  1. The voter is sixty (60) years of age or older;
  2. The voter has a physical disability and an inaccessible polling place;
  3. The voter is hospitalized, ill, or physically disabled and because of such condition, cannot vote in person. A doctor’s statement is NOT required!
  4. The voter is a caretaker of a person who is hospitalized, ill, or disabled. A doctor’s statement is not required!
  5. The voter is unable to vote because of jury duty.
  6. The voter will be outside Davidson County during the Election period.
  7. The voter is in the military or a citizen living overseas.
  8. The voter is observing a religious holiday that prevents them from going to a polling place on Election Day.

You can find more information on eligibility requirements and request your Absentee Ballot for the upcoming election here.

Tennessee Department of State - Division of Elections - County Election Commissions Map. Election commission map by county. Where do I mail my ballot request in Tennessee.
Select your county on the map to get the mailing address for your election commission.

How to return your Absentee Ballot for Tennessee Election 2022:

You must return your ballot by mail (USPS, FedEx, UPS, etc.). Hand delivery or handing it to a poll worker during early voting or on Election Day is not permitted.

Absentee Request Deadline

  • In-person requests must be made by: July 28, 2022
  • The post must be received by: July 28, 2022
  • Return ballot by email by: July 28, 2022

Completed Absentee Vote Return Deadline

You must mail your ballot in time for it to arrive at the Election Commission no later than the close of polls on Election Day.

Voter Registration Information:

Register to vote online:

Tennessee Online Voter Registration

Register to vote by mail:

Download and print this form. Choose your county on this map and mail the form to the address for your county.

Register to vote in person:

Pick up voter registration applications in person at the following locations:

  • County Election Commission Offices
  • County Clerk’s Offices
  • Public Libraries
  • Register of Deeds Offices

Register during a transaction with one of the following agencies:

  • Department of Health (WIC program)
  • Department of Human Services
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Safety (motor vehicles division)
  • Department of Veteran’s Affairs

Voter Registration Deadline

  • Postmarked: July 5, 2022
  • In-person request by: July 5, 2022
  • Online request by: July 5, 2022

If you are eligible, request your absentee ballot and VOTE today!

Not registered to vote? Your voice matters! Register to vote TODAY!

Early Voting Dates for Tennesee Election 2022: July 15 – July 30, 2022 (Varies by county)

Other Helpful Resources for Tennesseeans

Other helpful resources for the State of Tennessee can be found on our “Resources” page. Here you will find:

Every College Student Needs These Legal Documents

Every College Student Needs These Legal Documents

The stress of leaving home and becoming an adult can be difficult for anyone. It is especially tough for college students and young adults who have to face the uncertainty of their future. They have to support themselves and are going to gain the power to make decisions on their own, for better or worse.  However, there are a few legal documents that they can get to make the transition easier.


Every college student needs powers of attorney for finances, powers of attorney for medical decisions, and an advance directive for healthcare. They should also fill out a FERPA waiver so that a parent or other trusted adult can access their student records (if needed). Not only are these documents practical in getting help with the big stuff, but they are a great lesson in what “adulting” is all about. 

What is a “Power of Attorney” or POA?

A power of attorney is a legal document in which the principal (the person granting the power of attorney) grants another person (the agent) the power to act on their behalf. For example, an agent could help the principal make and carry out decisions about the student’s finances, health care, and other important matters.

In most cases, we create two types of powers of attorney- one for financial issues and one for medical issues. It is important to note that the college student needs to be the one who initiates and discusses their powers of attorney with a lawyer. A parent cannot create a power of attorney document for their child.

How to choose the best agent for powers of attorney

For most young adults, the parents are the trusted partners in making important decisions. Therefore choosing a parent as an agent for power of attorney makes sense for a college student. However, it’s important that the individual assigning the powers choose what is best for their situation. Here are some things to consider:

For medical powers of attorney – choose an agent who will be able to carry out the principal’s wishes

A college student should choose an agent who will be able to make medical decisions according to their personal preferences. Who do they want to have to communicate with the hospital in an emergency? Does that person support their values and would they be able to carry them out in the event of a difficult decision? 

For example, when I was in my late 20s and in law school I prepared my first advance directive. When I tried to have a conversation with my parents about what I wanted for end-of-life care, it was unfathomable to them that I would want to discuss it. I also knew that based on my wishes, it would be very difficult emotionally, if not impossible, for my parents to honor my choices. For that reason, I selected my brother and best friend as my agents. In short, a college student needs an agent who can carry out their preferences for medical care.  

For financial powers of attorney – choose a responsible and trustworthy agent

A financial power of attorney agent should be trustworthy. They need to be someone who is responsible for their own finances and will put the principal’s best interest above their own.

Anyone who chooses an untrustworthy agent would risk losing all of their savings. What’s to stop an agent from draining a bank account and running off to Fiji? While this is an extreme example, and there are legal remedies for someone who abuses their power like that, it is better to not have to deal with that happening.

What is an “Advance Directive” and why does a college student need one?

An advance directive is a written statement by a patient or their legal representative that outlines their wishes for medical treatment in the event of incapacity or death. Every college student should take the time to document their preferences for medical-related decisions.

For example: In a medical emergency does the individual want CPR if their heart stops? Do they want a ventilator if they cannot breathe on their own? What about a feeding tube or life support?

Although nobody wants to think of these scenarios, it is helpful to have these decisions spelled out. It’s stressful for friends and family to make these types of medical decisions.

I want to make it perfectly clear: Having an advance directive is important for everyone to have, no matter their age or health. It is also important to review advance directives through each stage of life. The treatments that we want at age 30 or 40 may not seem like such a great idea as we reach into our 90s or 100s. 

What’s the difference between a power of attorney and an advance directive?

It’s easy to see why people confuse a power of attorney with an advance directive. So, what is the difference? A power of attorney grants an agent the ability to act on behalf of a principal, should they become incapacitated. An advance directive for healthcare, on the other hand, specifically addresses what someone wants if they are unable to make decisions for themselves. It is a written record of what to do (and not to do) in an emergency or end-of-life scenario.

When does a power of attorney or advance directive go into effect?

Financial POA

There is a lot of flexibility when it comes to the terms of a financial power of attorney. A limited power of attorney can go into effect when a specific event happens, such as incapacitation. There are also terms that make a power of attorney go into effect immediately. A qualified attorney can create a power of attorney to suit anyone’s situation.

Medical POA

When it comes to medical care, a healthcare provider will always make an attempt to communicate with the patient first. In the case of incapacity or impaired judgment, however, a doctor will communicate with the medical agent or refer to an advance directive instead. For example, let’s say a patient is in a coma or under anesthesia. The doctor will refer to a medical agent or advance directive when making a time-sensitive decision for their care.

*Click here to learn more about when a POA goes into effect.

Powers of attorney and advance directives are useful at any stage of life 

Powers of attorney and advance directives are useful, no matter the age or stage of life a person is in. While most older adults have powers of attorney and advance directives in their estate plan, a younger adult could make use of them too! For example, a college student can give powers of attorney to their parents and create an advance directive just in case they need help. These legal documents can help the student navigate the essential functions of “adulting” like managing bills, health and property insurance, leases, and more. Additionally, in the event of a tragedy, a medical power of attorney will allow the parent to make decisions on the child’s behalf. This is why it’s important to have powers of attorney and advance directives in place, no matter the stage in life. 

Hire an attorney to draft a power of attorney

Although there are forms online for creating powers of attorney, having a lawyer draft your document will ensure that it complies with all the legal requirements set forth by the state. Online forms can fall short of holding up in court. With an insufficient power of attorney, or a lack of one at all, a family may have to fight for their loved ones’ wishes in court. The process of going to court under these circumstances is painful, expensive, and time-consuming. Most people want to avoid putting this kind of stress on their families.

Anyone can make their own advance directive

While the subject matter is difficult to think about, the process of creating an advance directive is easy. Just download the form online and prepare it at home. There’s no need for an attorney. To make the advance directive legal, sign it in front of a notary or two witnesses. For your convenience, we’ve included a link to the Tennessee Advance Directive for Healthcare form here. As a courtesy to our clients, our firm will include the preparation of advance directives, along with a notary, as a part of the flat-rate estate planning package or the “Adulting Package”.  

6 college students gathering in front of a cell phone to take a group photo. They are all smiling
Ready for college?

In conclusion

Powers of attorney, advance directives for healthcare, and a FERPA waiver are documents that every college student should have. They are among the many important decisions a college student will make during their lifetime. It’s never too early to prepare for life’s unknowns. 

GALS offers an ”Adulting” gift certificate for college students!

Looking for the perfect graduation gift? A gift certificate to our “Adulting” package is a great way to help prepare a young adult for life’s “what-ifs”. In addition to legal counseling, this package includes powers of attorney for finances, powers of attorney for medical care, a FERPA waiver, and an advance directive with a notary. Click here to buy your gift certificate. All you need is the name and email address of the recipient and we will take care of the rest! 

Do You Need a Lawyer to Write a Will?

Do You Need a Lawyer to Write a Will?

The reason to create a last will and testament is simple: it provides a way to give the people you have left behind instructions for your assets and belongings after you die. However, how you create that will can be a little more complex. While you aren’t technically required to hire a lawyer to draft a will, failing to do so can lead to costly problems for your family and others.

For Example: the Estate of James M. McKinney

To illustrate an example let me share with you a story about the Estate of James M. McKinney (Tennessee Court of Appeals Opinion dated June 9, 2022). In this case, a man created a will online without consulting an attorney. Unfortunately, the gentleman listed only one of his two daughters in the online form. However, the will had language that left his property to “all of his living children”. Because the language was unclear in the online will form, both daughters have found themselves unsure of their inheritance. 

While the most recent decision has said that both daughters inherit under the online will, there is no clarity on whether that is what their father actually intended. This serves as an important reason why it’s important to hire an attorney in the first place. Both women have already spent two years of their lives, as well as a lot of energy on this case. The cost of an attorney to guide you in preparing your will and estate planning documents is much less expensive than what your family will spend to challenge an inaccurately drafted will in court. We’re guessing that Mr. McKinney wanted one, or both, of his daughters to inherit money from him, instead of their lawyers. Things would have been easier for his family if he used a lawyer to write a Will for him.

Image of a pen on a paper that says "Last Will and Testament". Do i need a lawyer to write a will? Yes! You need a lawyer to write your will!
Holographic Wills must be proven in court with witnesses who can verify the handwriting of the deceased.

Holographic Wills

While the legal requirements of a will vary by state, some allow you to make a handwritten will, called a “holographic” will. However, it is more common for people to type their will. A typed will is easier to read and has a cleaner look. One of the drawbacks of a handwritten will is it often requires handwriting verification in court. While a Tennessee will prepared by an attorney can usually be admitted to probate without the need for any witnesses, a holographic will with the same provisions will require two witnesses who can identify the will-maker’s handwriting to come to court. Keeping in mind how much we type and text these days, we expect it will be more and more difficult to find these types of witnesses as time goes on. 

Online Will software

Many services have popped up that offer do-it-yourself-will software and other legal documents. These services might work fine if you are a single individual and have little or no property. However, the rest of the population should not use these programs. Now we’re not making this statement because we’re in the will-making business. We want you to know that there are risks involved when attempting to create legal documents on your own, whether it’s a will or a business agreement. With a will, you will not be able to make any corrections if there are mistakes since it is a post-death document. Even Consumer Reports concluded that none of the will-writing products was likely to entirely meet a person’s needs unless those needs are extremely simple. In short, using a professional to write a Will is a better option. 

You get what you pay for

If you read the fine print on the DIY will form, you will notice that there is no legal advice. There is no attorney-client relationship! And if you want to talk to an attorney, you are going to pay extra for it. Even if you pay for an attorney from the software company to speak with you, they may not even be licensed in your state!  The saying “buy nice or buy twice” comes to mind here. While you think you’re saving on legal fees by using online software, you may have to pay for an attorney to advise you anyways. And what if the document falls short? You’ll have to pay an attorney to either fix it or start over. In other words, if you are going to do it yourself, be prepared to pay someone to fix it. 

At Graceful Aging Legal Services, even if your needs are simple, we want to help you find a way to make the process easier for your family. This is what most of our families are really looking for.  Our firm can guide you and your family through the process both before and after death. 

Everyone’s situation is unique. If you aren’t well-versed in elder law, why would you chance making a legal document without consulting an attorney? Attorneys are called “counsel” for a reason! It just makes sense to consult an attorney to make sense of your assets in regard to your situation. You’ve worked so hard, why would you take risks with what you’ve built over your lifetime. You need a lawyer to definitively determine whether or not your needs are indeed simple. Here is a sample of the questions to consider:

  • Do you know if your estate is expected to be taxable under state or federal law? 
  • Do you own significant amounts of tax-deferred retirement plans?
  • Do you know how to fund that revocable trust that you created online?
  • Is there anything about your estate that is unusual, such as having children from a previous marriage or a dependent who lives with a disability?

If you have any questions about your estate plan, you need to see a lawyer! 

An attorney makes the process easier

Even if your needs are simple, an estate planning lawyer who practices in probate court could help you find a way to make the process easier on your family. This is what most of our clients and their families are really looking for.  A legal form found online or at the office supply store will not be able to guide you through the process like an attorney can.

The best lawyer to hire to help you create a solid estate plan is someone who can help hold your family together during the probate process.  That’s what we want, it’s what our clients want.  Probate is stressful, but we love helping our estate planning clients ease that stress for their families in advance. 

Not hiring a lawyer to write your will can lead to problems that drag your estate out in a lengthy court process, which is expensive and stressful for your family.  We want your family to benefit from your estate.  Our attorney, April, decided to enter into estate planning practice after the probate of a loved one became contested. You don’t want to put your family through that. You can count on our experiences to guide us in creating a  peaceful plan for you and your family. 

If you are on the fence about having an attorney draft your Will, consider taking our Virtual Estate Plan Challenge. This 7 email series will walk you through the decisions you need to make regarding your assets and property.

What is a prenuptial agreement and how do I get one?

When you think of marriage, you likely think of doves, flowers, white dresses, cake, and eternal love, right? When a lawyer thinks of marriage they think of something a little less romantic: contracts! I know it’s not exciting to think of your upcoming nuptials as a contract, but hey, it is what it is. Why not set aside your weird feelings about it and define the financial terms of the marriage instead. Think of a prenuptial agreement as an extra document in your estate plan.

a happy groom is picking up his bride while on the beach. They have a prenuptial agreement to protect themselves from financial harm in the event of a divorce.

What is a prenuptial agreement?

A prenuptial agreement (better known as a prenup) is a legal document that couples enter into before getting married. This agreement sets out the terms and conditions of what happens if the couple splits up. It can be something as simple as specifying how property will be divided or who will financially support whom in the event of a break-up.

A will vs a prenup

A will and a prenup are very similar. Both are legal documents that set forth the wishes of an individual regarding their estate. Like a will, a prenup can also address a surviving spouse’s rights upon the death of the other spouse. Spouses may choose to waive their inheritance rights entirely or specify what each spouse should receive upon the death of the other. 

Best practices for obtaining a prenuptial agreement

Follow these steps if you want your agreed-upon inheritance rights upheld in court.

Before the Save the Dates

It is best to begin the prenuptial agreement process long before your desired wedding date. Waiting until the week or even the month before your wedding may indicate to a future court that the agreement was signed under duress and should not be enforced. 

Both parties must disclose all of their assets and liabilities to each other. You should gather your most recent records for any stocks and bonds, retirement accounts, checking and savings accounts, and even an appraisal for your house and car. Make a list of any student loans, personal loans to family or friends, mortgage debt, and car loans. If you do not disclose all of your assets and liabilities, your prenuptial agreement may be invalidated by the court. 

After the Honeymoon 

After you have signed your prenuptial agreement and married your spouse, your attorney may advise you to record your prenuptial agreement with the clerk’s office. While this is a great option to ensure you will always have access to a copy of your prenup, it is important to note that if recorded, your prenup will become a public record. A more private alternative would be for each spouse to keep a copy of the agreement in a fire and waterproof lockbox with other important documents. 

Create an estate plan after the marriage

Shortly after your marriage, you should create or update each of your estate plans with your marital status. Update the estate plans again if you have children.

In conclusion: A prenuptial agreement is financially smart

Prenups are becoming more popular and are perfect for young couples who are still learning how to navigate being an adult in this world. Overall, a prenuptial agreement is not an indication that your or your spouse believes the marriage will fail; instead, it lays a strong financial foundation for the marriage. Both parties walk away feeling protected and confident that there will be no ambiguity or surprises later in life.

If you are not sure if a prenup is right for your situation, consider reaching out to our office. Our attorney can help you figure out what to do. Book your free 15-minute initial call now!

When does a Power of Attorney expire?

When does a Power of Attorney expire?

This week we will discuss when a power of attorney can expire. A power of attorney is a legal document that allows someone else to make decisions on your behalf. It is created for a specific purpose such as financial or health care decisions. If the power of attorney expires, it no longer gives that person the authority to make decisions on your behalf. 

When you die

A durable power of attorney for finances automatically expires when you die. Once your attorney in fact gets the news of your passing, they no longer have the ability to carry out any actions on your behalf.

For a healthcare power of attorney, the same conditions apply. However, there is one caveat. The healthcare power of attorney will typically allow your healthcare agent to handle the disposition of your body, make the funeral and burial arrangements, or order an autopsy if warranted. Additionally, the agent can order medical records after your passing if needed for some legal reason. Other than that, the general rule is that all powers of attorney pass away when you do. 

A power of attorney can expire if the original purpose no longer exists.

A power of attorney can expire if the original purpose no longer exists. For example, if you created a power of attorney to manage your finances, but you no longer need help with those decisions, the document may expire. Please note that you cannot revoke powers of attorney if you are incapacitated.

It is important to document the original purpose of the power of attorney and keep track of changes to your situation. You should update your powers of attorney when changes occur. This helps to ensure it’s still possible to use a power of attorney should the need arise.

If you revoke it

Unless you’re incapacitated, you can revoke a power of attorney. Revoking the power of attorney removes authority from the person you appointed. This is not something we’d necessarily recommend doing without good reason, but it’s possible. We strongly suggest that you name someone who is trustworthy so that you don’t have to revoke it.

However, if you want to revoke a power of attorney, do it in writing. Include the name of the person who is having their authority revoked. We recommend speaking with an attorney if you have to revoke a power of attorney.

image of a military member leaving home for a deployment

Limited powers of attorney

A limited power of attorney is a document that allows someone to make decisions on behalf of another person. This happens when someone cannot be present to carry out decisions for themselves. A Limited Power of Attorney allows someone else to act as your proxy. For example, military families give powers of attorney that expire to a friend or spouse while they deploy. 

How often should you renew a power of attorney? 

Most powers of attorney are meant to last forever. However, you might need to create a new one to replace an old one. For example, a bank may be hesitant to honor a power of attorney that you signed 20 years ago. They may want you to have it updated. You may also want to update a power of attorney if you move to a new state. 

If you have questions or need to get a power of attorney in Nashville, consider scheduling an initial call. This 15-minute call is free and allows us to see if we can help you with your situation.