The IRS recently announced the 2021 federal estate tax rate limits, which are $11.7 million for individuals and $23.4 million for married couples. This is increased from $11.58 million and $23.16 million respectively in 2020.
Under this new guidance, wealthy Americans will be able to leave up to $23.4 million to their heirs without being subject to federal estate tax rates, which top out at 40%. The federal gift tax exemption will remain at $15,000 annually, meaning gifts made up to that amount will not be taxed by the federal government.
Will There Be Changes Under the Biden Administration?
While estate tax rates have stayed fairly consistent over the past few years, estate planning attorneys across the country are being asked by their clients how the presidential election may affect future federal tax limits.
During the campaign season, the Biden/Harris team proposed reducing the estate tax exemption to $3.5 million for estates and $1 million for gifts. The ability to pass such measures, however, appears to be a long shot, considering the current makeup of the Senate. The Democratic party now holds a very slim majority and lowering the estate tax threshold is not particularly popular on the Republican side. It would be difficult, if not impossible, at this point to get a majority of Senators to agree to such legislation.
Complicating matters further is the coronavirus pandemic. It’s anticipated that Congress will spend the next few months working on financial relief packages for individuals and businesses impacted by COVID-19. As such, major overhauls to the estate tax are anticipated to take a backseat in 20201 in favor of more pressing matters.
However, when it comes to the whims of Congress, estate planning lawyers “never say never.” That’s why we are continuing to keep a watchful eye on Congress should support begin to emerge for estate tax reform in 2021 and beyond. For real-time updates, be sure to follow our estate planning blog, or subscribe to our newsletter. Finally, if you have specific questions about the federal estate tax or how to avoid “death taxes” on your estate when you are gone, please contact us at (615) 846–6201 to schedule an appointment.
Estate planning offers legal protection for families and individuals through all of life’s transitions. Wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and healthcare directives are the most common estate planning tools we use to help clients protect their wishes, safeguard their assets, and ensure provision and care for their loved ones following their death or incapacity.
What Does My Estate Plan Have to Do with My Divorce?
Your estate plan can be impacted greatly if it’s not updated after a divorce. For example, if your ex-spouse has been named as a beneficiary on your life insurance policy, they may still be able to collect the proceeds if you suddenly pass away without updating your documents. Your ex-spouse may also retain authority roles as your power of attorney or healthcare agent unless you revoke such power. As a single adult, you must also name the people you now want to act on your behalf or manage your affairs in an emergency once the role is no longer filled by your ex-spouse.
Won’t a Divorce Automatically Stop My Ex-Spouse from Having Such Power?
While this topic has been introduced in the Tennessee General Assembly, no laws have been passed yet to prevent it. Although a divorce decree will remove your ex-spouse from inheriting under your will or serving as Personal Representative/Executor, it does not remove them from serving under other documents like your power of attorney or healthcare directive. And it doesn’t remove them from inheriting anything they receive as a beneficiary outside of probate such as life insurance, bank accounts, retirement accounts, or trust funds. That is why you must update your documents after a divorce to be certain that your ex no longer has this power.
What Documents Should I Update?
During your divorce, the law prevents you from making many changes to your financial situation or medical insurance. Once the decree is signed though, you will want to review and update the following documents:
Power of Attorney
Healthcare Directive
Beneficiary Designations on Life Insurance Policies
Beneficiary Designations on Retirement Plans
Beneficiaries on any accounts with Payable on Death Provisions
Getting Help
Tennessee has laws that dictate when documents can be updated or altered as you move through the divorce proceedings. It’s important to speak with an experienced Davidson County will and trust lawyer before you make any changes, as any unapproved transfers or changes to your documents could be considered fraudulent. If you need help getting started, we are here to assist you with your planning. Contact our office by calling (615) 846–6201 or click here to schedule an appointment.
A probate attorney in Nashville will make the process easier.
If you are dealing with an estate that has to go through the probate process in Tennessee, your smartest move is going to be to work with a probate lawyer in Nashville. There are cases where very simple estates will move through fairly easily, but there is still a matter of paperwork, accounting, etc. to consider; and a probate lawyer can save you an incredible amount of time and hassle.
Do your estate in advance to avoid probate
The best way to avoid the need for a probate lawyer in Nashville is to make sure that your estate planning has been done in advance. This means that you’ve set up wills, trusts, and any other applicable legal documents so that those you leave behind won’t have to deal with taking the entire estate through the court system. Trusts, such as a revocable living trust, are one of the most common tools for avoiding probate, but there are some other possible options. I’ve outlined them for you below:
Having a Will does not guarantee you will not go to probate
Some people think that having a Will (also known as a last will and testament) means that your estate will bypass the process. However, any reputable probate lawyer in Nashville will tell you that this isn’t the case. Having a Will is certainly still important, as it provides important directions for the passing of your estate, but it doesn’t get your heirs off the hook when it comes to probate.
Small estates may be able to avoid probate
If the estate is truly a “small” one, then you may be able to avoid probate. This can happen in cases where the only thing left behind is personal property. In these situations, there is no true estate to be inherited. The laws regarding the allowable value of an estate to be considered in this group do change, so it might be helpful to at least chat with a probate lawyer to see if the estate qualifies. If so, the heir may be able to create an affidavit that will work instead of going through probate. There are also some simplified court procedures available to heirs of these very small estates.
*If you are needing to transfer the property and assets of a small estate, we want you to check out our Tennessee Transfer Toolkit. It’s the perfect guide for transferring Tennessee estates that don’t need probate.
Payable-on-death-accounts can be transferred without going through probate
Many banks and other financial institutions allow for accounts to be transferred after death without going through probate. It’s a good idea to discuss your inheritance plan with a Nashville probate lawyer or estate planning attorney to ensure that this is a good option for you. This kind of planning has to be done in advance and should take your entire estate plan into account.
These are just a couple of tools available to those who want to avoid the eventual need for a probate lawyer. If they have not been put into place, or you’re not sure if these rules apply to you, we invite you to schedule a free call with us to see how we can help.
At the end of 2020, Congress approved new stimulus payments for most Americans. Stimulus payments by direct deposit are already going out. The Treasury Department is sending others by check or debit cards in the mail. Under President Biden, we may see more stimulus payments coming as well.
With that in mind, let’s consider those who may have limited income and receive means-tested assistance, such as TennCare or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Those individuals or their loved ones may be concerned that the additional funds contributed to their bank account may disqualify them from benefits. However, the Social Security Administration has clearly said that stimulus payments do not count as income for means-tested assistance- at least not in the year it is received. For those receiving TennCare, you have twelve months to spend your stimulus payment.
If you care for someone in a facility, the facility may try to claim the stimulus payment on behalf of the patient. This is especially true if the facility is the Representative Payee for the patient’s Social Security check. However, the stimulus payment belongs to the patient, not the facility. It is not part of the patient liability payment for TennCare.
While a facility may request payment for debts owed before a patient received TennCare, they cannot hold stimulus payments hostage. A patient or their legal representative may agree to have the funds held in a patient trust account at the facility.
No matter who holds a stimulus payment, it must be used for the benefit of the recipient. If you care for someone who received one, consider what these funds might be used for to improve their quality of life for the year ahead.
If you have any questions about a nursing home trying to keep your loved one’s stimulus payment, book a call with us now.
Here at GALS Nashville, we try to make things as easy as possible. This is why we enjoy using a remote notary for our clients. It is really easy to immediately get some documents notarized and filed with the clerk’s office. So basically, one smooth action that doesn’t take very much time. And you do not need to print anything either!
How do you notarize documents remotely?
In order to notarize my documents remotely, you must prepare the documents, then sign them electronically, and then notarize them electronically. Once complete you can upload your notarized documents to whoever is needing them. Typically we upload them to the clerk’s website. It is a pretty seamless process, and I am hoping more clients choose to go this way in the future. This process will save you so much time since there’s no coming to the office or finding a bank or UPS store to get your documents notarized.
Remote notarization is secure
All of the security protocols are within the software. I use a software called SIGNiX that’s based out of Chattanooga. They use knowledge-based authentication (KBA), which is required under regulations controlling remote notaries in the state of Tennessee.
Information you must provide in order to use a remote notary application:
Date of Birth
Social Security Number
Some Information from your credit history
Photo ID
What equipment do you need in order to use a remote notary application?
A phone or computer with a webcam
The simplicity of the process makes notarizing documents go so much smoother. It’s amazing how easy it is!
So, if you have something that you need notarized, feel free to contact our office. If you’re a current client and you know you have something that needs to be notarized, feel free to ask us about that. We will probably be approaching you about it anyways.
I hope that more people will start to use remote notary applications in the future. If you have any questions or just want to know more, you can schedule a complimentary call with us here!
We often help people file conservatorships for loved ones. Let’s address the next steps after filing the petition, which is working with the Guardian ad Litem and attending the hearing on your petition.
How long does it take to get a Conservatorship hearing after filing for the petition?
Hearings are usually held between 45 and 60 days after filing your petition.
What does the Guardian ad Litem do?
The Guardian ad Litem is a special attorney appointed by the Court to answer two main questions.
1. Does the person you are trying to establish a conservatorship for really need someone to help them make and carry out decisions?
2. If so, who is the best person to serve as a conservator?
The Guardian ad Litem will file a report with the Court Clerk letting the Judge know what they think at least three days before the hearing.
Make arrangements to attend the Conservatorship petition hearing
On the hearing date, you should plan to attend court. If there are disagreements over whether a conservator is needed or who should serve, make arrangements to take the entire day off work or other obligations. Otherwise, your attorney will help you determine how much time to allow for your court hearing.
If a Conservatorship is recommended, the court will decide who should be the Conservator
If the Guardian ad Litem has recommended a conservatorship for your loved one and that you should be appointed, the hearing will usually go quickly, with minimal testimony. Your attorney will make a statement about the case and the Guardian ad Litem will chime in with their opinion. You may be asked a few questions about your qualifications to serve, similar to the information that was in your petition.
The Judge will need to sign an Order for Conservatorship
The Judge will either sign an Order that your attorney has prepared before the hearing or agree that your attorney will submit one for signature. After the Judge signs the Order, your attorney will help you get Letters of Conservatorship, which we will address in a future blog post.
If you believe that someone you care about needs a conservatorship, please feel free to reach out to us by email or phone. If you believe a loved one is in need of a conservatorship, please reach out to our office by phone at (615) 846-6201, by email at or you can schedule a complimentary call with us here!
Do you remember the story of Terri Schiavo? While her situation was unfortunate, it sparked a conversation among families around the country. What would you want in a medical emergency? And who do you want to make decisions for you?
What is an Advance Directive?
An Advanced Directive allows you to make medical decisions in advance of an emergency and name an agent to carry them out. It is also called a Living Will. An Advance Directive lets you tell your family and medical providers what is important for your quality of life. It’s important to let your loved ones know if you would want to continue medical treatments or not in the event that your quality of life decreases significantly. Your doctors will ask about your Advance Directive if you are unable to make decisions or communicate for yourself.
A living will is also known as an advance directive for healthcare.
If you have to go to the hospital for any reason you have probably been asked if you have an Advance Directive or Living Will. While it’s important to have your wishes in writing, it’s even more important to educate and prepare your loved ones in case they ever need to make difficult decisions about your care. Talking about your wishes with your family can assure them that they are doing the right thing for you in difficult times.
While it can be difficult to have this conversation, it is incredibly important that your family knows how you would want to be treated in an emergency situation. So please check out The Conversation Project and reach out to your loved ones to begin this conversation.
I hope you’re staying healthy and if you have any questions regarding this topic please schedule a complimentary call with us here!
Is there someone you have considered leaving out of your Will? There are plenty of reasons for wanting to exclude someone, a group of people, or everyone you know from inheriting from you. Maybe you’ve had a falling out, maybe they haven’t kept in touch like you hoped, or maybe you just like animals better.
Personally, my dog is probably getting everything before I die. Look at this cute face
People who know me are probably tired of hearing me say it, but I believe that no one is entitled to an inheritance. Whatever you want to do with your earthly possessions is entirely up to you. There’s no wrong decision- whether you want to leave everything to your children, your church, or your dog. It’s just a personal decision, like your hairstyle (although a bit more permanent decision).
If you don’t have a Will, the law in Tennessee leaves your estate to your closest relatives. By making a Will, you can leave your assets to anyone you like. The only exception to this is that you cannot disinherit your spouse or minor children.
If you don’t want your spouse or kids to inherit because you don’t like them, I hope you will consider counseling. However, that’s another personal decision. So is divorce, which is the only way to remove your spouse’s right to inherit from you. If you don’t like your kids, you have to wait until they turn eighteen to disinherit them.
If you want to disinherit someone, I encourage you to make it clear in your Will. If your Will goes through the probate process, the Court will look at what your intentions were. Leaving a nominal sum like $10 means that the person is not truly disinherited- they inherited $10. We like to acknowledge that the person has been disinherited and, depending on the situation, a brief statement about why. We are kind but firm to reduce any confusion or potential for a contest in the future.
And remember, relationships change and so do Wills.
Today, we are breaking down the process of filing a conservatorship. A conservatorship is a legal procedure used to obtain authority to make decisions for someone else who is unable to make or carry out decisions for themselves.
Step One: Hire an Attorney
First, you will want to meet with and hire an attorney. Your attorney will collect lots of information about you and the person you are seeking a conservatorship for, such as addresses, family members, financial situations, etc.
Step Two: Prepare Evidence
Second, your attorney will help you prepare evidence for the eventual hearing. The most important piece of evidence in most conservatorship hearings is the Report of Physician. This is a notarized document signed by the person’s doctor that they are unable to make or carry out decisions on their own and a general overview of their medical condition. While you can file for conservatorship without the Report of Physician, it is not ideal.
Step Three: File a Petition
Third, your attorney will prepare a petition and have you sign it in front of a notary. They will then file it with the Court Clerk and the Report of Physician if you have completed one.
Step Four: Set a Hearing Date
Finally, once all your paperwork has been filed with the Clerk, your attorney will work with the Court to set a hearing date. You should be prepared to work with the Judge’s schedule in order to attend. Your attorney will let you know details about what you can expect at your hearing. We’ve also written an article about what to expect at the petition hearing.
If you believe a loved one is in need of a conservatorship, please reach out to our office at (615) 846-6201 or you can schedule a free 15-minute initial call with us here!
By adding someone else to your bank account, you are giving them an ownership interest in whatever deposits you make into the account. What I often see is that the parent is the only one making deposits, but the child is handling transactions, usually to the parent’s benefit but sometimes in a way that might later be called into question.
Joint checking accounts with your children pose many issues
In the process of counseling clients, I often learn that an adult child has been added to a parent’s bank account as a joint owner. If this is something that you have been considering, please think again. While it can be fine under some circumstances, it can also cause problems down the road.
You will be responsible for your child’s unpaid debts
One danger to this is that if the adult children have an ownership interest in the account, and the child has unpaid debts, a creditor might try to collect the money owed to them out of the joint account, even though all the money belongs to Mom or Dad!
Your children will have issues with getting an equal share of your inheritance
Another sticky point of adding a child to a bank account is if you have more than one child. Often parents want their children to inherit equally and make arrangements for that through their wills or beneficiary designations. However, most joint bank accounts include a right of survivorship on the account paperwork so that if one account owner dies, the other account owner can continue using the account and gets to keep any money in the account. If you intend for your children to inherit equally, but only one of them gets the money in your bank account, that might cause some resentments and even lawsuits.
Give your children powers of attorney for finances instead
So what should you do instead? In most cases, I recommend designating someone you trust with your money to act as your attorney-in-fact for financial matters. By signing a Power of Attorney, this person will have the ability to manage your banking transactions, but will not have an ownership interest in your accounts that could cause the problems described above.
If you’re interested in obtaining a Power of Attorney or other estate planning documents, contact us to see how we can help.