3 Common Financial Scams that Victimize Seniors

3 Common Financial Scams that Victimize Seniors

Elder fraud and financial exploitation have become an epidemic. As a Nashville elder law attorney, I am seeing more than ever before, con artists and family members alike taking advantage of their elderly relatives, friends, or neighbors. The numbers have only gotten worse with the Covid-19 pandemic and a larger aging population.

The best defense against elder fraud is having caring friends or family with the senior’s best interests at heart. But those friends and family can only prevent elder fraud if they know how to spot it.

What is Elder Fraud?

Broadly defined, elder fraud is when someone improperly (or illegally) uses or steals a vulnerable senior’s assets. Every state has a different definition of “elder fraud” or “financial exploitation” of an elderly person. In Tennessee, financial exploitation of elders or other vulnerable adults can be prosecuted under criminal and civil laws. Edler fraud is a form of Elder Abuse.

The 3 Common Financial Scams that Victimize Seniors

A recent survey identified the three most common scenarios of financial exploitation:

  1. Theft or diversion of funds or property by family members.
  2. Diversion of funds or property by caregivers.
  3. Financial scams perpetrated by strangers.

In the two most common scenarios of financial exploitation, the fraud is committed by someone who knows the elderly person. Most people think of fraud as emails from Nigerian princes or telephone scams. In reality, however, financial exploitation is commonly perpetrated by family and friends.

Another common misconception is that adults are only susceptible to elder fraud if they have a condition that can affect memory and reasoning skills. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, 15-20% of elders 65 and older have some type of mild cognitive impairment. But it is important to recognize that any senior can fall victim to elder fraud, and many do.

How Can I Help a Senior Avoid Being Scammed?

There are a number of things you can do to help prevent your loved one from being taken advantage of. Start by educating them on the tell-tale signs of elder fraud and how to protect themselves.

Most importantly, if you are concerned that a loved one is being targeted by a financial predator or a loved one with bad intentions, you should seek help as soon as possible. That may mean calling the police, your loved one’s attorney, and in some cases, even the FBI.

As an Elder Law Attorney in Nashville, I am here to guide you through any of the issues that you may be facing. To schedule an appointment, simply call schedule a free 15-minute Initial Call and we’ll see if we can provide you with some guidance on what to do to help you avoid common scams that victimize seniors.

Marriage myth-busting: I don’t need a Will. My spouse will get everything when I die.

Marriage myth-busting: I don’t need a Will. My spouse will get everything when I die.

Many people think that if they are married, their spouse will automatically inherit everything when they pass and so they don’t need a will. While there are some situations where a spouse does inherit everything, it is not the default under Tennessee law. In Tennessee, if you are married and have children, your spouse will share your probate estate with your children. I call this the S.A.K.S. method (Spouse and Kids Share). In other words, your spouse does not inherit everything automatically. 

To clarify:

If you die without a will, Tennessee law dictates that the spouse and children split the estate. 

However, I believe that everyone should create their own plan for distributing their assets after death, even if the state has an understandable default on how to do this. Here’s why: 

Having a Will can make it easier for your family to go through probate. 

Having a Last Will and Testament can be an important way to reduce any burden on your family after your death. In your Will, you decide not only who will inherit your estate but also key decisions like who will serve as Personal Representative (also known as the Executor) and whether you want to require or waive documents that are required by statutes. Having a Will is your chance to have a  say in the probate of your estate before you die. The process can be much less complicated for your beneficiaries as well because you may decide to be even more specific about some of the more difficult decisions that need to be made.

It is much easier on your family if you have an estate plan in place. A last will and testament will provide instructions on how to designate and divide assets between family members and friends. If you die intestate (without a will), then the state’s inheritance laws will determine who gets what.

Preparing an estate plan will cover situations that may arise after your passing

Have you considered what might happen if your spouse remarries? Are you aware that a future spouse can take an interest in a portion of your estate? Would you want part of your assets to go to a new spouse or to any children that they may have with that spouse? Do you have family or children that should benefit instead? There are many other factors to consider, but it’s important to discuss these things with your attorney when you create your estate plan. 

image of a happy couple with the wife nestled under her husbands arm

A Will provides security for your spouse

If you are more concerned about your spouse inheriting from you than your children, you can plan for that too! The general rule in Tennessee is that the spouse would get no less than a third of the estate. 

For example, if you are splitting the estate with two or more children, the spouse would get a third. If there is only one child, the spouse would get half. 

What if you want to provide more? With a Will, you can designate that your spouse gets everything or only leave certain things to your children.  Many spouses write “I love you” wills, where they inherit first from each other, and then their children only inherit when the second parent dies. 

Use a Will to protect spousal inheritance from changes in family dynamics

Another consideration in making a Will is your family dynamic. Do you have children from different relationships throughout your life? Do you have concerns about how your children from those relationships will get along with your current spouse when it comes to your estate?  It is important to consider how you want inheritances to be split. Your Will can dictate how your assets will be handled! You can also designate your preference for the guardian of any minor children in the event that both you and the other parent die. 

Additionally, a Will provides provisions such as the appropriate age at which your children should take over responsibility for managing any inheritance. One primary concern many parents have is whether young adults will be mature enough to make sound judgments concerning any money they inherit. Your Will can establish a certain age at which young adults gain control of their inheritance, to ensure that it isn’t squandered when you would prefer it be used towards education or sound investments. 

In short, your Last Will and Testament should be drafted so that your wishes regarding your family are honored. 

Middle-aged couple walking together hand in hand through a park. They are smiling. They look like a cute couple.

A Will can safeguard your beneficiaries if they become disabled

Are any of your assets expected to go to a loved one who has a chronic medical condition?  If so, you’ll want to consider that an inheritance could disqualify them from any means-tested government benefits that they may receive or be entitled to, which could be devastating if they are counting on that benefit. The most common examples of this are Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and TennCare (Medicaid).  You’ll want to have a contingency plan in your estate plan to make sure that their benefits are secure and not at risk of being cut off due to an inheritance. You don’t want their government assistance to decrease just because you died! You definitely need a plan for that. Make sure to work with a qualified estate planning attorney so you can refrain from making errors with your family’s benefits. 

If you want control over who can access your digital assets, you must make a Will

Many digital assets are governed by terms and conditions which are unlikely to specify who will take over your accounts when you die. Some providers, such as Facebook, permit you to designate someone as a “legacy contact.” However, not all companies are robust enough to provide this type of service. A Will protects your digital assets from falling into the wrong hands or being lost in digital space with no one able to claim them. Check out our blog post about how to create or change your Facebook “legacy contact” here

In conclusion

These are just a few of the things that you’ll want to consider when making an estate plan. I want to encourage you to have a long discussion with your spouse about how your assets should be split when one of you dies. There shouldn’t be any surprises! I cannot stress the importance of knowing each other’s values and putting them in writing. It is crucial to have the outcome you desire. A failure to plan can end up in expensive court litigation. This is why we encourage everyone to speak with an experienced estate planning attorney about how they and their spouse can protect each other through proactive planning. 

Are you ready to make your Will? Schedule a free initial call and make your plan with the Team at GALS! 

Will TennCare take my house? A Primer on Estate Recovery

a house with a for sale sign in front of it. Tennessee will go through tenncare estate recovery to be reimbursed for long-term care.
TennCare will use estate recovery on TennCare payments for long-term care.

Long-term medical care is expensive – but where does the money come from?

This week I want to talk about TennCare Estate Recovery. Over the last few blog posts, we have gone over the benefits available to those who qualify medically and financially for TennCare Choices, Tennessee’s long-term care Medicaid program. We have also discussed how we can help our clients adjust their finances so that they can qualify. This week we want to discuss how TennCare recoups the cost of providing long-term care services.

TennCare rules can be confusing

A long time ago, my friend told me that her grandmother had to give away her house because she could not afford to pay for medical care and needed to qualify for Medicaid. This is really unfortunate! Her grandmother clearly didn’t understand the rules of Medicaid. Unfortunately, people like my friend’s grandmother get bad information about Medicaid, the services that are available, and the requirements to become eligible. I wish I could have told my friend’s Grandmother that she could have kept her house. This leads me to my main point…

TennCare will not take your house while you are living in it. 

However, TennCare estate recovery allows TennCare to get reimbursed for any funds that they spent on behalf of someone after that person dies. In other words, the state will eventually try to get reimbursed for the money they spent on your long-term care.

According to current TennCare rules, a single person can own a house that is worth up to $603,000, or land with a house worth over $603,000, without any concern about being ineligible for TennCare due to their home.  However, you will want to talk to your attorney and financial advisor about how you may be able to continue to pay the costs of maintaining a home if you are in skilled nursing care. 

How and when does TennCare get reimbursed for your long-term care?

For most of us, TennCare is not going to take your home even if you are living in a facility. Concern about your real estate should arise if you were hoping to pass your real estate to your family when you die. While TennCare will not try to get repaid for their expenditures during your lifetime, they will seek reimbursement after you pass away. 

For example…

Roberta has a home worth $250,000 and no other assets. She was in a skilled nursing facility for two years and received TennCare services for which they paid $125,000. After Roberta passes away, her estate will be expected to pay $125,000 back to TennCare before the family receives any money. Since there is a house worth $250,000, the family would be expected to sell that house and give half the proceeds to the state. This process is called estate recovery.

living room of someone who is in long-term care. The family wants to keep the house. They need a lawyer to help them with probate
Work with a probate attorney to resolve an estate recovery claim.

Is there any way we can keep the house in the family?

Estate recovery is something that TennCare takes seriously, and will go to great lengths to make sure that they are properly reimbursed. However, they will not take your home while you are living in it.

I want to be clear: A loved one receiving TennCare benefits while alive does not mean that Tennessee will later attempt to collect the money from YOU. The debt is not yours. If you have a loved one who passes away while on TennCare, your probate attorney will work with you to resolve that estate recovery claim so that TennCare can get reimbursed for any funds they spent on behalf of the deceased.

You can find more information through the Estate Recovery division here.

If you have a family member that was on TennCare or needs to get on TennCare, contact us at 615-846-6201. We’re here to help! 

How do I qualify for Medicaid?

Long-term care is expensive

Many people have sufficient income to maintain a regular lifestyle but are unable to afford the high cost of long-term care. With the average cost of long-term care around $7,000.00 a month, it is incredibly difficult for most families to afford it, even more so after retirement. That’s why it’s a good idea to plan for qualifying for TennCare, also known as Medicaid.

Evaluate and restructure your assets to qualify for TennCare

do you know how to qualify for tenncare? Image is of a man in a long-term care facility. He is taking a walk with a nurse and his partner.
It’s worthwhile to know how to qualify for TennCare

As we discussed in our blog last week, there are certain criteria you need to meet to be eligible for TennCare. As an elder law attorney, one of my jobs is to help families get their loved ones qualified for TennCare while maintaining resources available for the rest of the household.

One of the ways that we do this is by restructuring a family’s assets. We do this by turning resources that are countable for TennCare purposes into items that TennCare does not count as part of its eligibility assessment

This process is known in the elder law community as a spend-down. The goal of the spend-down is to make you or your loved one eligible for TennCare as far as your assets are concerned. If you are overqualified for income-based criteria, we can use a special type of trust called a Qualified Income Trust, or a Miller Trust, to reduce your income. The goal of a spend-down is to maintain the quality of life for all family members including those who need long-term care. 

Image of a scooter as a mobility device. Buying a scooter is a good way to spend down your assets to qualify for tenncare
Bob might benefit from purchasing a quality mobility device

What is a “spend-down”?

For example…

Bob needs to go into long-term care. Bob is eligible based on his income. He makes $2,000.00 a month of social security retirement income. Bob also has a house, a car, and $50,000.00 in the bank. Bob is widowed and his children are adults. 

We need to do something with at least $48,000.00 from Bob’s bank account in order to make him eligible for TennCare. His house and his car are not countable for TennCare purposes in most cases. What can we do? 

  • Make improvements to his home that would improve his quality of life and access to the things that he needed in the home. This might include: 
    • Grab bars in the shower or hallway.
    • A ramp into the main entrances.
    • Paving the driveway or expanding it closer to the door 
    • Widening doors 
  • Buy some things for Bob that his Medicare did not cover, such as:
    • Hearing aids
    • Dentures
    • Eyeglasses
    • Top of the line mobility devices 

There may be other things that would improve Bob’s quality of life. There are things we can spend money on or convert into income. I am also going to suggest to everyone that they use the money to make arrangements for end-of-life needs if they have not done so already. Since at some point Bob’s children will need to make arrangements for his burial or cremation, paying for it now from his excess funds is a great way to make those funds unavailable for TennCare purposes and meet a future need. 

image of a smiling older gentleman sitting with his daughter. Do you know how to qualify for medicaid?
Bob has peace of mind because he has plans in place for long-term care

Bob might want a Care and Savings Assessment

It’s not easy getting approved for TennCare / Medicaid, and we know it! That’s why we offer help in planning your steps to qualify. It doesn’t matter what your starting point is, we’re here to help you navigate the process with one goal: get our clients the quality of care that they need. Contact us if you would like to make plans for qualifying for TennCare.

5 Things Every Songwriter Needs to Know About Gifting Copyrights Through Wills

5 Things Every Songwriter Needs to Know About Gifting Copyrights Through Wills

Heading into the month of December, we wanted to focus on the idea of gifting. While in our line of work, we often think of gifting in terms of taxes or inheritance, but there are so many other ways to leave gifts to those in your life.  We asked our colleague Alyssa at Purple Fox Legal to share with us some of the “gifts that keep on giving” through intellectual property law, which is her focus.  If Alyssa’s post helps you or you have questions about your copyrights or trademarks, reach out to her at or 629-248-3310.  -April 

Guest Blogger Alyssa J. Devine, Esq.  at Purple Fox Legal

Image of a street sign called Music Square in Nashville Tennessee.
Owning the copyright to a song is an amazing accomplishment!

Professional creatives, like songwriters and musicians, pour endless amounts of time, energy, and passion into their craft. They spend months perfecting each project, and years carrying the pride of a job well done. And, for many, this hard work continues to live long after they do.

This is where estate planning comes in. Proper estate planning guarantees that your legacy will be managed according to your standards, even when you’re not around to do so. The process names the people and organizations that can lay claim to your assets, and protects your work with red tape and safety nets. It is a critical step in any songwriter’s life.

Knowing the importance of something, and understanding how to do it are two separate matters. In this article, we’re introducing musicians and songwriters (like you!) to the most basic steps of estate planning. We’re covering the top five important tips for songwriters planning their estate.

1. Understand how property is transferred through estate planning

Comprehensive estate planning is crucial for ensuring that all property is transferred to its intended parties. While most estate plans will easily transfer common assets, like cash, vehicles, and real estate, professional songwriters also need to consider protecting their intellectual property. Intellectual property, like copyright, is incredibly important for you to continue providing a stream of income that can flow for generations.

To truly understand estate planning, songwriters must understand what an estate actually is. In layman’s terms, an estate is a portfolio that includes all property (tangible and intangible) accumulated throughout an individual’s lifetime. After your passing, all of your property, assets, and funds will become the property of the estate.

Once you pass on, all of your estate planning goes into action. The executor, or person responsible for carrying out the probate process, will distribute your property through a complex legal procedure. Your final wishes and requests will be followed, typically passed down in the form of a will. A judge will direct your executor to follow state regulations to transfer your assets and distribute your property.

Close up on a row of guitars made in Nashville Tennessee
Create a paper trail! Protect your songs by properly registering them with the Copyright Office.

2. Register your copyrights and maintain copies of every contract associated with them

Copyright registration is paramount in the songwriter’s estate plan. Registering your copyrights will ensure that they are protected for up to 70 years after the author’s death. But, songwriters and musicians should recognize that each song they produce carries two copyrights. It’s not only the sound recording and “master” copyright that matters but the musical composition must also be protected. This includes the lyrics and underlying music.  

To add another layer of complexity, copyright protection doesn’t end with registration. A consistent and cohesive record should be kept of all contracts associated with your copyright. This will help clarify the copyrights owned by the estate itself.

Remember: A notice to the Copyright Office is also required each time a copyright changes ownership. If copyrights are not included in the estate, they cannot be distributed to heirs. Filing with the Copyright Office is so important because it creates a public chain of custody and lowers the likelihood of litigation after your death.  

3. Add beneficiaries to your performance rights organizations and mechanical rights organizations

When it comes to copyright law, registration grants the owner a number of different legal rights. In fact, the US Copyright Act provides six unique and exclusive rights for each copyright. And, each registration lasts long past the life of the author.

Because of this, every songwriter should consider adding potential beneficiaries to transfer control of these six unique protections. Including intended beneficiaries during the estate planning process can prevent expensive litigation after your death. But first, each beneficiary must be added to a musician’s Performance Rights

Organization (PRO) and Mechanical Rights Organization (MRO), in addition to creating a will.

Most musicians are familiar with and registered with both a PRO and MRO. PROs are responsible for administering performance licenses, collecting licensing fees, and distributing these fees. They handle music that is publicly broadcasted on the radio or the Internet, in television shows, or out in public. MROs, on the other hand, collect mechanical royalties. They reserve a fee each time your song is played.

Accurate, updated information is required in both your PRO and MRO accounts. Adding beneficiaries to them cannot be recommended enough.

4. Be aware of the deadline for recapturing copyrights

When a copyright is created and then assigned to someone else, the original author is afforded an opportunity for a second bite of the apple. This means that original authors can elect to recapture copyright ownership by filing a specific notice with the US Copyright Office. It’s important to know that there is a limited period of time before the termination goes into effect.

For many songwriters, recapture is available as early as 35 years after publication.

Close up of two hands giving a gift box with a red bow on it.
Not all gifts come from a store! What will you do with your art?

5. Write down how you want your property to be transferred before creating a will

A valid and effective will is just one step in the estate planning process, but it may be the most important one. A will dictates exactly where your assets will go after your death, including the methods of transfer and the terms you expect. Anything in a will is subject to probate court though, which is why it shouldn’t be the only document in your estate plan. Wills serve best when used as a safety net for any assets not covered in your other estate planning documents.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to estate planning and managing your assets, age should never be a factor. Songwriters with assets should always be protected. Just look at Kurt Cobain and Selena Quintanilla, who didn’t have wills when they died. Their lack of an estate plan created a whirlwind of legal problems for their families.

Creating a will can be overwhelming The process to get there can be overwhelming though, but having help from an experienced attorney can make the process seamless for you and your family.

Top 14 Actions You Can Take Right Now To Stop Scams

Top 14 Actions You Can Take Right Now To Stop Scams

Last week I discussed the types of scams used to take your money! This week I want to share with you some methods that can help you beat the scammers at their game. 

The first step in protecting yourself from scammers is to crawl under a rock… I’m just joking! But seriously, scammers are everywhere and target everyone. But the easier it is to find your information, the easier it is for them to contact you. Here are some things you can do today: 

  1. Unlist your phone number
  2. Opt out of “people” search engines. Here are the basic steps for opting out of people search engines:
    – First: Do an internet search on yourself. Where is your information listed?
    – Next: Find your listing on each website. Once you have the listing, write down the URL or ID number.
    – Finally: Use the IRL or ID for your listing and enter them into the opt out pages for each search engine.

    Here are a few of the people search engine links to get you started: 

While it may take a little time and effort, it is beneficial to your sanity to request your information be taken off of these websites! 

  1. Unsubscribe from email listings whenever possible. If you find you are suddenly getting emails for a business or organization you didn’t sign up for, simply label it “Junk” and move on. Your email provider will take care of the rest.  
  2. Do a privacy check up on your social media accounts. Set high limits on security and privacy on your social media accounts. Don’t let strangers message you. Unfriend anyone you don’t personally know. 

The next step in fortifying your finances is to be overly cautious when talking to people you don’t know. 

image of a child telling an adult a secret. the adult is smiling.
  1. Don’t answer phone calls from numbers that are not programmed into your contacts. If it’s important, they will leave you a voicemail. If you accidentally answer the phone and you have no idea who is calling, don’t say anything other than normal pleasantries such as “hello” or “oh, that’s interesting”. Have a “refusal” script handy near the phone. It’s perfectly okay to say “I have to go now…” and simply hang up.
  2. Create a “secret word” – The easiest way to protect yourself from a telemarketing or grandparent scam is to create a secret word. A secret word is a “code word” or phrase that only your loved ones will know. If the caller doesn’t know the secret word, then they don’t know you. 
  3. Follow the proper channels for communicating with government services. The IRS, Medicare, and Social Security will never call you! Nor will any correspondence be an emergency! There’s too much bureaucracy for urgency. For example, if the IRS wants to get in touch, they will send an official letter. That guy on the phone telling you that you owe past taxes and will go to jail is not from the IRS- he’s a scammer!  And finally, never give your Medicare or Social Security information over the phone unless you initiated the phone call directly to the agency. 
Stop scams with these steps. image of a coffee mug with with word scam crossed out.

And finally here are some other very smart ways to stop scams:

  1. Never click on a link within an email. I know this is a hard and fast rule, but the extra time it takes to navigate to a website outside of your email is worth your financial safety. 
  2. Don’t rush into making major financial decisions. Shop around and do your research before altering your home mortgage, making major home repairs, or changing your investments. Review all contracts until you are comfortable that you understand what you are required to do, what the other party must do, and what happens if something goes wrong. And finally, don’t hesitate to have someone else review your important documents. 
  3. Subscribe to a fraud monitoring plan. If you don’t want to fuss around with monitoring your credit or data on the web use a credit monitoring subscription instead. Companies such as LifeLock and EverSafe offer paid subscriptions that monitor your information and alert you to suspicious activity.
  4. Set up safeguards at the bank. If someone else assists you with making purchases, consider giving them a credit or debit card with pre-set limits. Additionally, make sure your caregiver is being paid a fair wage and has fair amounts of time off- this will reduce the financial pressure on them to steal. 
  5. Create a trust. Creating a trust is a great way to have control over what happens to your assets, especially if you become incapacitated. Trusts aren’t easy to change and provide rules and limitations over who has access to your assets. 
  6. If possible, hire a team. Life is much less complicated when you have a professional accountant, financial advisor, and attorney on your side. Leave the legal and financial details to the people who keep up to date on the current federal rules and regulations. 
  7. And most importantly: Do not become isolated. No one gets through life alone. We all need a village to help more or less at certain stages of life.  Just like you would have a neighbor keep an eye on your house during vacation, having a support system keeping an eye out for you is always a good thing. And you can do the same for them! 

I hope this list has motivated you to reassess your financial security measures. There are so many actions that you can do today! Which one are you going to do first? 

If you’re looking for an attorney who focuses on Elder Law, please don’t hesitate to reach out. It costs nothing to schedule a 15 minute consultation with the team at GALS!