
Davidson County Will Attorney: 5 Considerations When Choosing a Legal Guardian for Your Kids

Choosing a legal guardian who can raise your kids if you are unexpectedly incapacitated or pass away can be a daunting and difficult challenge.  There are many things to take into account such as parenting styles and the potential guardian’s ability to love and take care of your children. 

These are just some of the questions we believe every parent should answer before naming a guardian. 

  1. Where will your children live? Many parents desire to keep their children in a familiar environment if something unfortunate happens. It’s not unusual for parents to put instructions in their estate plans regarding the cities or states they want their kids to be raised in if mom or dad passes away. If the geographical location of where your kids will be placed is important to you, be sure to make this known to your Davidson County will attorney when creating your plan.
  2. Are your children familiar with the potential guardian? It is important that your children are comfortable with the guardian you are about to choose for them. If you are selecting a guardian that lives far away, you may want to consider ways to begin cultivating a relationship between your children and the potential guardian before it’s needed. Naming a temporary guardian is also important in such situations. This will ideally be a person that lives close by and can help ease the transition to your kids relocating to their permanent guardian’s home.
  3. Is your potential guardian prepared to care for your children? There are many factors that could fall under this category, but it is important to make sure that your guardian is emotionally, physically, and financially prepared to care for your child/ren. For example, you may want a grandparent to become guardian, but their age and their own financial and/or medical needs may make serving in this role difficult for them. Don’t forget to take their point of view into account when making your selection.
  1. Do any of your children need special care? If you have a child with a mental or physical disability, it could take special knowledge and resources to care for your child. It is important to make sure that the named guardian would not be overwhelmed by this responsibility and that they are prepared to care for your child in whatever way that your child may need.
  2. Have you discussed this choice with your potential guardian? It is very important that you ask your potential guardian if this is a responsibility that they can take on. You will also want to talk about your desired path for raising your child/ren to make sure that you are in agreement and that your wishes will be followed. 

As parents, you spend a lot of time planning the best future for your children. Make sure that your planning includes naming a legal guardian should you become unexpectedly incapacitated or pass away. You should be the one making that decision – not the courts. Schedule a call with our Davidson County will law firm today, so you can have the peace of mind knowing your children will be cared for by the person you want, in the way you want if anything happens to you. 

Leaving Property and Money to Minor Children in Tennessee

Here at Graceful Aging Legal Services, we are passionate about helping parents name legal guardians for their children. It’s a critical step that allows parents to document the people they want and trust to raise their kids if they are incapacitated or unexpectedly pass away.

However, many parents just assume that the person who takes the children into their custody will also manage the children’s inheritance, but that isn’t always the case.  In the most simple cases,  estate planning for married couples is easy. You leave everything to your spouse, and the other parent will take care of the children. 

However, as we all know, family life is rarely simple. What if you are single and there is no other parent to step in? What if your spouse is a “bonus” parent to your child? What if your child’s other parent has lots of love to give them but has trouble with their own finances?  What if you and the other parent pass away at the same time? Taking care of your family through estate planning is about hoping for the best, but having a plan in case the worst happens. 

What many people don’t realize is that you can’t just “leave money” to minor children. There has to be an adult who holds onto it for them until they turn 18. The person who is named as your child’s custodial guardian and financial guardian can be the same person, but they don’t have to be. If there is another parent involved, they are usually the default custodial guardian but if you are providing the money, you get a say- as long as you do it in advance of your incapacity or death. 

If funds are left to a child outside of a trust, the Court will need to be involved in formally appointing a guardian for the child(ren)’s property.  The guardian will be required to provide annual accountings to the Court, as well as purchase an insurance policy (known as a court bond) to secure the child’s property.  If the parents have nominated a guardian, the Court will usually say a blessing upon that choice as long as it is in the child’s best interest. 

In the case of a child who is 18 or older when a parent dies, they are able to receive their inheritance outright.  While this might be less complicated than having a guardian appointed, it creates different issues. Think about the things you wanted to spend money on as a young adult?  When did you truly become responsible with your money? What value did you place on money given to you versus money that you earned?  If you’re concerned about any of that, you should consider raising the age at which your child gets their funds distributed if you do not want to take the risk that your child’s inheritance will be mismanaged, lost, or squandered on things like fast cars, clothes, and lavish trips.

Utilizing a living trust is the best way to put “speed bumps” and “checks and balances” around your children’s inheritance so that they do not receive a lump sum of money outright before they are mature enough to handle it. Again, you will be able to raise the age or lay out key milestones in which the child(ren) receive their money and specify a trustee who will again oversee the distribution of funds for your child(ren) according to your wishes for their future and how their inheritance is to be spent (i.e. on a college education, first house, wedding). While guardianships are overseen by the Court, trusts are handled within the family.

Luckily, all of this is easy to do if you work with a local qualified guardianship or create an estate plan attorney. In our office, we have a system that walks parents step-by-step through the decision-making process so that they are able to choose the best people to serve as their child’s property manager and/or legal guardian.  

Our Nashville law firm is here to serve you. Schedule an appointment to talk with us so you can begin the process of legally documenting who will serve in these two very important roles in your children’s lives if the unthinkable happens.