Starting the Year By Getting Your Affairs in Order

Starting the Year By Getting Your Affairs in Order

As far as we know, we only live once – and we never know when it’s going to end. It’s important to plan so you can prepare. 

You can start 2024 off strong by getting your affairs in order.

1. Create an Estate Plan

First, decide whether you want a will, a trust, or both. Some people opt for a will and a living trust, but it’s up to you what you choose. If you want an attorney to talk over your options, we’d be happy to do that!

You can also decide whether you want a durable power of attorney for finances (in case you’re not able to make financial decisions). 

2. Plan for Your Healthcare

You can also consider whether you want to create an advance directive for your care. Most advance directives have a living will and durable power of attorney for healthcare.

The living will tells doctors what kind of care you wish to accept or reject when it comes to emergency treatment, and durable power of attorney lists the person you trust for your care should you become unable to communicate. 

3. Organize Your Important Documents

Once you’ve prepared all of your important papers, organize them and put them all in one place.

Here are some examples of papers that you should keep together.

Personal Information

Personal info is needed for identification purposes and is best kept together so your family can be prepared when they need it. 

  • Social security number
  • Date and place of birth
  • Names and addresses of spouse and children
  • Location of important legal certificates (birth/death, marriage/divorce, citizenship, adoption)
  • Employers and dates of employment
  • Education and military records
  • Names and phone numbers of religious contacts
  • Group memberships, awards
  • Names and numbers of close friends, relatives, doctors, lawyers, advisors

Health Information

Emergencies happen – and when you’re not prepared, your family has to scramble to find what your medications are, etc. Keep them all in the same place and be sure that your loved ones know where to look.

  • List of any ongoing conditions and treating doctors’ names
  • Current prescriptions (keep this list up-to-date)
  • Durable power of attorney for healthcare
  • Advance directive 
  • Health insurance info, policy and phone number

Financial Information

Your finances will help family members better understand what financial resources they can draw from to help you with your care, should you need it. 

  • Sources of income/assets
  • Social security benefits information
  • Insurance info (car, home, life, long-term care) with policies and phone numbers
  • Bank and account information
  • Investment income
  • Copy of the most recent income tax return
  • Location of most up-to-date will with original signatures
  • Liabilities, including what’s owned and when payment is due
  • Mortgages/debts, how and when they’re paid
  • Original deed of trust for home
  • Car title and registration
  • Credit and debit card numbers and names
  • Safe deposit box and key number

If you’re looking for a place to keep all of these, let us know. We’re happy to offer LawSafe memberships for a reasonable rate to help keep track of all the not-so-little things that your loved ones may need if there is an emergency or end-of-life event. 

4. Talk with Your Loved Ones

Once you have everything in one place, tell your loved one where to find your information. Be sure to also tell your loved ones about your plans – you don’t want your family to find out after the fact that you’ve selected someone they don’t know as your Personal Representative!

You can also let your doctor know about advance care plans, and, if applicable, give your doctor permission to discuss your care with your family.

5. Review Plans Regularly and Update 

Once you’ve done all the hard work (it takes time getting all that paperwork together), be sure to review your plans annually. If you’ve had a major change happen, you should consider revisiting your plans as well, to make any necessary updates. 

It takes time to get your affairs in order, but it is such a relief to your loved ones when they don’t have to worry about what your wishes are. In fact, this could be your masterpiece! If you’d like to get updates like this one on a regular basis, sign up for our newsletter!